Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Church, Then and Now…

“THE Catholic Church was not an opinion, nor a fashion, nor a philosophy; it was not a theory nor a habit; it was a “clearly delineated body corporate based on numerous exact doctrines,” extremely jealous of its unity and of its precise definitions, and filled, as was no other body of men at that time, with passionate conviction.”

Europe and the Faith

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“THE Church itself was regarded (and will continue to be regarded by its adherents) as immortal, but its administration is subject to perpetual threat of mortality, that is, of corruption and weakness tending to extinction.”

The Crisis of Civilization

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~Hilaire Belloc

The Church as the Path to Salvation, by Andrea Da Firenze.
Fresco, 1366-67; Cappellone degli Spagnoli, Santa Maria Novella, Florence

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